Corsham Choral Society

Horrortorio in Corsham!

Sunday 20 June, 7.30pm, finishes approximately 9.45pm

Town Hall, Corsham

£12, Patrons £10, Children £1

Following their success in last year's Fringe, Corsham Choral Society is performing Horrortorio by Horovitz. Ghouls, witches and zombies appear in this choral extravaganza, a wonderfully entertaining take on a classical oratorio. Bach, Handel and Verdi all come in for some wonderful pastiche writing, as do Gilbert and Sullivan. Be prepared to witness the nuptials of Miss Dracula and Frankenstein. In contrast to this Gothic 'Hammer-horror' spectacular there will be a group of colourful and atmospheric Yugoslav Folk-songs and Three Nonsense Songs by Matyas Seiber along with other items.
